• Race to the finish!

    We have had two PhoneGap sessions and we have learnt a lot about PhoneGap and how to code for features like GPS and Accelerometer thanks to @kgpainter and @wjsteele.

    Now what? So for our next session we have asked folks to write a simple tip calculator using their favorite technology be it PhoneGap or native android or iOS or windows Phone.

    Requirements you say? Well here they are thanks to Bill Mote: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17OhSmMCE6sXbbV0Qfc4uhKfx2dNve4CIN-9VRy_QQ4g/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p

    The best effort wins anything from the prize box!

  • Its Really Really Time to Get Serious about PhoneGap

    The Stakes are even higher!
    After Kim Painter (@kgpainter) showed us how to work in PhoneGap we have raised the stakes! Finish a PhoneGap app between now and the June 14th session and you could win a Telerik premium collection! Winning app to be decided by the user group on that day by popular vote.
    Please write a new app. Remember this is to encourage you to create more mobile apps.

    Bill Steele (@wjsteele) will take us on another journey with PhoneGap in this session. We will look at accessing features of the device with PhoneGap like GPS, Location etc. Just in case, it needs to be repeated , Its Really Time to Get Serious About PhoneGap!

    RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/All-Things-Mobile-Cincinnati/events/62902212/

  • Time to get serious about PhoneGap

    The May 10th meeting will be an Introduction to PhoneGap. In this session, Kim Painter will cover the basics of PhoneGap – how it works, when you might want to consider using it over other mobile solutions, how to setup your environment and demo a PhoneGap solution.

    Bring your laptops with PhoneGap loaded if you want to code along.

  • Live Meeting Info for April 12th Code Camp

    Here is the live meeting address for April 12th Code Camp:

  • April 12th – Homework Due!

    Who knew we would have homework after school! Well yes we do. Here is the homework:

    1) Create an android project
    2) Add an about page for your project
    3) Add a feedback page for your project with capability to email

    We will start the next phase of development. Oh yes, i forgot to mention. We start coding at 6:30 and at 8:00 pm we stop for the evening. The first person who has made the most advance will have their pick out of the raffle!

    And the raffle includes a premium telerik subscription!

    So our goal is:

    When: 3 months from March 8th
    What: An android app published to the marketplace
    How: TEAM effort

    Pizza will be provided!

  • March 8th – Time to Android

    Its time to begin coding. Come with an idea, a computer with android sdk and we will get started. Our timeline is three months to release to the android marketplace.

    You can either pair program or program individually. We will work together to march forward.

    If you had trouble loading the sdk, please post your setup issues and we will find a solution.

    So our goal is:

    When: 3 months from March 8th

    What: An android app published to the marketplace

    How: TEAM effort

    Pizza will be provided and some desert as well!

  • Feb 9th – Update on Agenda

    We will celebrate Ineta’s 10th Birthday and also start working towards getting our feet wet with android.

    On Feb 9th, Bill Steele will be back to take us through what it takes to create an android application. This session will be conducted like a pre compiler. Bring a laptop with the android sdk loaded or bring a friend who has a laptop with android sdk preloaded! Specific instructions will be posted soon for those who have not programmed with android in the past. This event will set the march towards creating an Android Conference App Please RSVP as seating is limited.

    RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/All-Things-Mobile-Cincinnati/events/49203822/

  • CodeMash 2012 Windows Phone 7 App

    Anthony, Kim and Suganthi have put together a Windows Phone 7 App to track CodeMash 2012 (www.codemash.org) sessions.  Version 1.0 is available in the marketplace : CodeMash MarketPlace App Link

    Version 1.1 (updates, fixes) is pending certification. We hope this update will be certified in time for codemash but if you have a developer unlocked phone we encourage you to download Version 1.1 which includes some bug fixes and feature adds.

    Update -> CodeMash V 1.1 is now available in the marketplace.

  • Feb 9th Meeting

    We will celebrate Ineta’s 10th Birthday with some cool giveaways and also take a look at the App Submission Process. After building the CodeMash App, the next application to be designed is for CodePalousa.

  • INETA 10th Birthday!

    We will be celebrating INETA’s 10th birthday at the Feb 9th meeting! See this link for details on Ineta turning 10 -> http://www.ineta.org/birthday/